Someone asked me the question once "is there only one person out there for you or do you get a choice?" At the time I did not have an answer for them and I still don't but for some odd reason it had been on my mind for like the past hour. So I decided to type out my few thoughts on the matter. Few being the keyword. As I pondered that question again I thought back through my experiences in the relationship world which also are very few. There have been a very small handful of girls that at one point or another I thought that I could see myself spending my life with, because of certain characteristics that they had and such. I know of only one girl that actually shared those feelings for a while but then she wrote me a letter asking me not to speak to her again(it was very strange and sad considering she was my best friend). So when that happened I said that I guess that was God just telling me she was not the one so I slowly moved right along. There have been a few since them and none have obviously worked out, but that really is ok because I have come to the conclusion that there is one out there God has or will place in my path to be my wife. What has really helped me too understand this is some of my friends who have gotten married and a few that are moving toward that stage. There is one thing in common with them all. They have all basically said the same thing, that they have found the one they are to be with. And from being around them I can even tell that they were just made for each other and some of these people are girls that I have liked or even almost dated and I know that are with their "one". And what amazes me is the fact that I am so very happy for them (and maybe a little jealous) I am just glad that God is a very sovreign God and that he did not allow me to possibly get in the way of love and his plan. I know that this just sounds really wierd but it was what I was thinking. I just know that God has created someone especailly for me but not only that but that he created me for someone else (i think whoever she might be is probably getting the short end of the stick) I don't know about you but it makes me feel pretty special. I am just amazed more and more everyday with God and the way that he works. Some of you know that this is something that has been on my mind alot recently, and now finally I think that I really am at peace with the whole issue. Hopefully I will feel the same way about it tommorrow. Thank you God for what you have in store for me.