Well it finally happened. It will probably seem small and some of you will be like "it took long enough". Some of you are right now thinking "he got a girl friend", but you would be wrong. So what am I talking about you ask. This evening something finally clicked within our group. We were playing a game of bucketball (a game i sort of created, but really only "sort of")and it was awesome. I finally really connected with my girls in the youth. They have really been kind of stand-offish(if that's a word)and could not seem to find away to break down the wall. It has alot to do with the fact that these girls are really girly (which is not a bad thing) but most girls I know and have worked with are a little more tom-boyish. Well any God really just broke that wall down and we really had a blast. It was me and four girls against two of my guys. We were giving each other high-fives and making up little chants and things to get the team pumped. We lost 8-2 but we had fun. At one point they had me chanting "what time is it ...girl time huh". As I am typing this i realize why this did not occur before. The whole time I was trying make them come to me, instead of me meeting them where they were. I just really saw God working tonight, not that I have not seen him working before, but tonight it was just so obvious. I cannot really express with words how I feel right now, the only thing that could express it were the tears I fought back when we were playing and I saw God working right there in front of me. So if you are reading this do me a little favor, give God a little WOOP WOOP. Just do it no matter where you are. It will be really funny. Especailly if you are in a computer lab at school reading this. Cause you know that he deserves a WOOP WOOP or at least a hallelujah or an amen or something. Just cause he is DA BOMB! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !