The Adventures of Bubba
It Is Good To Have Friends
I have been doing alot of thinking lately about my friends. I really have a lot of friends, most of which I do not get to see much or get to talk to alot which is mostly my fault. Anyway, I realized that up until the last few weeks I have not had a friend to talk to about just anything. For the past two years or so I have kept many things to myself and just never talked about them with anyone. Before that I had a friend whom I could talk to about almost anything. I am no longer close to that person so I have been through alot in the past two years and have had no one I could share these things with. But now I have recently became friends with someone that I have been able to share some things with that I would have never have discussed with anyone else. It is great and a true blessing from God that this person has been placed in my life. I know I talk about this alot but I am constatly amazed at how God does things in my life at the precise moment. I am just glad that he is in control. In the past six months I have had to deal with many things and have not been able to talk to anyone about the emotional effects of these things. For instance some of these things were a former youth dying of cancer, my sister having cancer, my dad having a heart attack, my parents having a wreck, and quite a few other things. Now I have someone I know that I can talk to about those things. I am just glad that this person has let me share some of these things with them. I do not want to use the persons name so that they are not embarassed. You should know who you are and if you get to read this THANKS.