The Adventures of Bubba
What A Mighty God We Serve
In this crazy world we live in I think we as christians sometimes forget exactly what Christ did for us. I was at church last night and during worship we read from Isaiah 53. We were reading where it talks about how by Christ stripes we are healed, and how he carried the burden of our sins. So me being me I started thinking about this while we were singing Light Of the World. When we got to the part where it says I'll never know how much it cost to see my sin hanging on the cross. I realized then how I sometimes am not even broken over the sin in my life. Sure I am convicted and I want to confess that sin, and I will confess it and then that's it. I know that when God forgives me that's it, but now I think about what it really cost Christ. He left everything to come here and die a horrible death for, while the whole time it was my sin that held him there. And it was all for me. WOW God died for me, and he chose to because of the stupid things that I do. I was just amazed last night when I was thinking about that, and I think that if we try to always remember how much it cost Christ to redeem us then we would try harder to do better. Today while I was pondering all this I started thinking about something else that amazes me. God wants a relationship with me. Me, bubba, I have nothing special to offer but he wants to know me personally. Words cannot describe how great that is. If only we tried harder to be closer to God who has redeemed us with his own son. I then realized how much time that I am willing to put into a relationship with a girl, and how much better my realtionship with God could be if I were only willing to spend that much time with him.