The Adventures of Bubba
What's The Deal
Do you ever get upset with people? Tonight I went to a friend of mines bachelor/tool party. It was complete waste of my time. We went to eat and the whole time the subject stayed on sex thanks to all the married Christian men at the table and the non-Christian non-married men at the table. Of course they were all like guys will be guys and I was like well I guess that I am not a guy. I was not a very happy camper the whole time and I did not care about being a party pooper. The guy who is getting married ask me after we were leaving the restaurant if I had to be a preacher all the time. In which I responded no but when I accepted Christ I also agreed to be a Christian al the time. No matter where I am or who I am with. Needless to say I was upset especially when they were trying to decide what strip club we were going to. Of course I knew that we were not going they were just joking but at this point I was very much ready to go, but unfortunately I did not drive(I will not make that mistake again). I just don't get it if we can't be Christians with a group of people who are supposed to be Christians how much easier will it be to not be a Christian with non-Christians. Just typing this upsets me because these people I was with were people I used to confide in and have bible study with but all they wanted to talk about was filth and I was completely disgusted. We are called to be little Christ which mean to be Christ to a lost and dying world and that is a 24/7 calling. There are no breaks in this and no way around it. Plain and simple if we claim to be a Christian then we are to be a Christian all the time no matter what. No excuses.
God Is Wonderful
I have spent most of my day today in the car running a bunch of errands for school and church. I went to Athens this morning to take care of some school stuff and when I got ready to leave my car would not start. I was like great what's wrong now. Well by the way it was acting I assumed it was my battery and of course I have no jumper cables. I don't no what I am going to do when all the sudden out of no where this maintenance guy pulls up on a tractor and jumps me off. He was definitely sent from God. So I am thinking that I am going to have to buy a new battery so there is like $50 down the drain, but when I get to walmart the battery was still under warranty and they replaced it for free. WOO HOO. So now I can save my fifty dollars for my next trip to the beach. Also tonight I get to lead worship for our youth at church. I am very excited and scared because I have never gotten to lead worship at my church before. Hopefully everything will go fine and I know it will be God is taking care of it. So until next time.
It Is Good To Catch Up
Well yesterday I got to spend the day day with a good friend of mine, Melissa. We got to talk for a few hours and catch up on the last couple of months. I talked most of the time and most of it was about someone very dear to me. I also got to see Anchorman last night with melissa, lynsie , and jared. The movie was really funny it could have done without a few parts but other than that it was great. Today I have done nothing and I feel no remorse for it at all. I did talk to Lisa today for like five minutes so that has made my day just great.
Well The Beach Was Great
Well camp was very successful. God really showed up this weekend . I have never seen our youth worship so freely as they did this weekend. The material we used was great and the kids really got a lot out of it. My only prayer is that they now apply what they learned to their lives away from camp. God also showed me some awesome things. I think I journaled more this weekend than I have in like two years. The main thing that God showed me and it is not anything new ,it is that God saw something inside of me that no one else saw and it was special enough that he was willing to give his only son for me to be able to spend an eternity with him. WOW. You just don't get any better than that.
Off To The Beach Again
Well I am going to the beach once again, but this time to Lagoona Beach. It is for church camp and so I will be very busy and probably not get alot of leisure time for those of you that think that I am a beach bum(Melissa). I am pretty excited but also I will be very ready to get back and rest. For anyone that reads this I would appreciate your prayers. I will blog again when I get back.
Almost time to go back home
Well it is just about time for me to head back home. I have really enjoyed my trip to the beach. Yesterday I got to hang out at the beach for a while which was great. Then I went and saw a chick flick that night. Which I am man enough to admit that I liked the movie(it probably helped that I was with someone who means a lot to me). The movie was Sleepover which is about a bunch of jr high girls. It was really funny though. Well I really need to get in the bed I have along trip back home. It is really a shame that I have to leave but I must go to work so I can have money to come back to the beach.
I love the beach
Well after three weeks or so I am back at the beach. I drove down late thursday night and will be here until monday. I have not done a whole lot since I have been here but that is really what I wanted to do anyway. I did go eat at Bubba's seafood house tonight that was good and I got to hang out with my really awesome friend Lisa and some other people. We just sat around and talked for a few hours some people probably thought that it was boring but I really enjoyed myself because I have been looking forward to being able to see certain people since I left from camp. Well I guess I had better go to bed now I am off to the beach in the morning with some of the kids I worked with at camp.
It Is Good To Have Friends
I have been doing alot of thinking lately about my friends. I really have a lot of friends, most of which I do not get to see much or get to talk to alot which is mostly my fault. Anyway, I realized that up until the last few weeks I have not had a friend to talk to about just anything. For the past two years or so I have kept many things to myself and just never talked about them with anyone. Before that I had a friend whom I could talk to about almost anything. I am no longer close to that person so I have been through alot in the past two years and have had no one I could share these things with. But now I have recently became friends with someone that I have been able to share some things with that I would have never have discussed with anyone else. It is great and a true blessing from God that this person has been placed in my life. I know I talk about this alot but I am constatly amazed at how God does things in my life at the precise moment. I am just glad that he is in control. In the past six months I have had to deal with many things and have not been able to talk to anyone about the emotional effects of these things. For instance some of these things were a former youth dying of cancer, my sister having cancer, my dad having a heart attack, my parents having a wreck, and quite a few other things. Now I have someone I know that I can talk to about those things. I am just glad that this person has let me share some of these things with them. I do not want to use the persons name so that they are not embarassed. You should know who you are and if you get to read this THANKS.
What a place to live
Here are some pics of where I spent sunday afternoon. It is the front yard of a realtive of mine. These pics really do not do it justice.
Really cool spring
A view from the bridge
Natural bridge
Family Fun
It always seems that when I make plans around any holidays they usually get ruined by family events. Well once again this has happened. I had been planning to go to a concert tonight for about a month now. Then my mother informs me that our family 4th celebration has been moved to tonight. I am as I type missing kevin derryberry, jeremy camp, big daddy weave, and shane and shane. It really stinks, but I have whined about it enough and it has done me no good. Hopefully everything will go well with the family most of the people who don't get along with the rest of the family will not be there. So that should be ok. Well its off to the fun I go.
What A Mighty God We Serve
In this crazy world we live in I think we as christians sometimes forget exactly what Christ did for us. I was at church last night and during worship we read from Isaiah 53. We were reading where it talks about how by Christ stripes we are healed, and how he carried the burden of our sins. So me being me I started thinking about this while we were singing Light Of the World. When we got to the part where it says I'll never know how much it cost to see my sin hanging on the cross. I realized then how I sometimes am not even broken over the sin in my life. Sure I am convicted and I want to confess that sin, and I will confess it and then that's it. I know that when God forgives me that's it, but now I think about what it really cost Christ. He left everything to come here and die a horrible death for, while the whole time it was my sin that held him there. And it was all for me. WOW God died for me, and he chose to because of the stupid things that I do. I was just amazed last night when I was thinking about that, and I think that if we try to always remember how much it cost Christ to redeem us then we would try harder to do better. Today while I was pondering all this I started thinking about something else that amazes me. God wants a relationship with me. Me, bubba, I have nothing special to offer but he wants to know me personally. Words cannot describe how great that is. If only we tried harder to be closer to God who has redeemed us with his own son. I then realized how much time that I am willing to put into a relationship with a girl, and how much better my realtionship with God could be if I were only willing to spend that much time with him.